The main goal of the conference is to promote scientific work based on the current state of regional development, with an emphasis on cross-border cooperation with neighboring countries, as well as promoting and supporting new industrialization.
By appreciating your scientific contribution and having in mind the field of your scientific interests, we invite you to prepare the work for this scientific-professional conference which will be held on December 02, 2017. Deadline for abstract submission is November 17, 2017.
City of Pirot
Faculty of Management in Zajecar
Belgrade Metropilitan University
Chamber of Economy Pirot
Aleksandar Simonovic
Chamber of Economy Pirot, president of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Bojan Djordjevic
Faculty of Management in Zajecar
Goran Stamenovic, MSc
Belgrade Metropolitan University
Bojan Randjelovic
Assistant Mayor, Pirot City
Social and economic development as a national interest
Concept of regionalization and decentralization
New industrialization of local self-government
Economic aspects of regional development
Private entrepreneurship in the function of social development
Importance of regional products branding
Healthy food production
Importance of Free Zones Case study Free Zone Pirot
Successful examples of Cross-border cooperation
Projects for development local communities
Possibilities of tourist-economic development of regions
Consumption of EU Access Funds (IPA II, IPAD II 2014-2020)
Increase of employment
Education in the function of social development
Information technologies in the field of new industrialization and regional development
Environmental aspects of new industrialization and regional development
Trade in the function of economic development
Logistics and transport in the function of new industrialization
A maximum of two authors per paper is required. Manuscripts for the Proceedings should have a minimum of 6 pages and should not exceed 10 pages.
Technical preparation and form of work: A detailed instruction manual is given as a separate document. Each work must have: work title in Serbian or English; scientific title, name and surname of the author; in the footnote after the name insert the institution of employment of the author and the e-mail address; summary and key words in Serbian or English; introduction, elaboration and conclusion of work; list of used literature; title, abstract and key words in English.
Only the reviewed scientific papers will be published in the thematic proceedings.